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"My confidence has gone through the roof compared to where it was."
From rock bottom to social butterfly: Neil's incredible journey Imagine going from a painful divorce and the loss of a parent to becoming the life of the party. That's exactly what happened to Neil who unlocked a powerful blueprint that transformed his social life. After 20 years of being out of the dating and networking scene, Neil found himself lost and directionless. The divorce and loss of his parent had left him at an all-time low, unsure of how to move forward. He knew he needed to make a change but had no idea where to start. That's when he stumbled upon a podcast that would change everything. Intrigued by Michael Sartain’s intelligence and expertise, he decided to take a chance on himself. Little did he know, he was about to unlock a blueprint that would skyrocket his confidence and expand his social circle beyond his wildest dreams. By following this blueprint, he found himself surrounded by like-minded individuals all striving for self-improvement. The results were nothing short of remarkable. His confidence soared, and he forged genuine friendships with high-quality people. The blueprint provided him with the direction he desperately needed, helping him navigate the social world with ease. Looking back, he realizes that without this blueprint, he would be several steps behind where he is today.
1. Faraz S.
2. Mossab A.
3. Godwin S.
4. Anthony D.
5. Jon J.
6. Adam B.
7. Shankha P.
8. Paul R.
9. James Hn.
10. John H.
11. Aniket P.
12. Vincent D.
13. Mohit K.
14. Keegan L.
15. Matt A.
16. Keating W.
17. Jonnie W.
18. Yaniv L.
19. Rocky L.
20. Idrees M.
21. James C.
22. Brennan C.
23. Thomas C.
24. David V.
25. Karim G.
26. James V.
27. Alex A.
28. Benji B.
29. Timothy G.
30. Julian R.
31. Brian L.
32. Justin B.
33. David Vad.
34. Dominic C.
35. Hon C.
36. Amon F.
37. James H.
38. Jacob C.
39. Thomas An.
40. Efrain A.
41. Peter A.
42. Peter An.
43. Max R.
44. Neil B.
45. Jay R.
46. Chris S.
47. Will C.
48. Tom Y.
49. Eric T.
50. Dhaval B.
51. Ebimo O.
52. Daniel H.
53. Alex L.
54. Skye R.
55. Giovanny V.
56. Jordan G.
57. Spencer K.
58. Niko A.
59. Haik S.
60. Alton S.
61. Thomas A.
62. Dennison B.
63. Kendall E.
64. Eric Tr.
65. Daniel B.
66. Khalid R.
67. Mark R.
68. Brandon S.
69. Jorge J.
70. Sal F.
71. Steven R.
72. Dom B.
73. Revy N.
74. Niklas N.
75. Kyle O.
76. Holden R.
77. Santiago C.
78. Austin H.
79. Carson W.
80. Frederik W.
81. Jeremiah S.
82. Ari W.
83. Rocco H.
84. Denis N.
85. Keith M.
86. David S.
87. Les C.